Who is poisoning us

"Agricultural biotechnology will find their lobbyists who will occupy the White House next year no matter who wins the election," amazing and scary statement was circulated internal Monsanto newsletter 2000. year.

For years, we wonder what really drunk, which puts us in a vaccine, as the air we breathe and that the radiation crossed all limits of tolerance? Our country, the only known habitat in the universe, there is no plan "B" if we destroy this beautiful blue planet, and we will destroy ourselves.

However much has been written about Monsanto, little or nothing is done to this genocide technological wrongdoer was stopped at the end. In the last few months we have seen a few isolated attempts of governments to resist the GMO, as is done France or Hungary, but still at the global level does nothing. Rightly wonder whether we will meet that day and it Monsanto similar businesses close down and disappear from the earth forever?

Even if we experience such a day, the question is how much damage the GMO products, dangerous pesticides and insecticides from Monsanto's "hellish workshops" made fragile ecological balance of the planet, including how they affect the health of human populations?

To realize the seriousness of the problems with Monsanto needed to understand how Monsanto's political and lobbying the U.S. government spread and just how vicious he became arrogant.

In a statement by one of Monsanto's manager Phil Angel gave New York Times states:

"Monsanto should not be held responsible for the safety of bio-technological food (GMO products). Our interest is to sell as many of our products. Ensuring safety and quality of products is part of the job the FDA. " (Food and Drug Administration - U.S. umbrella agency that determines what can be sold as food, drink or drug in the U.S..)

But in several occasions we have seen as the FDA does not care about the health of the citizens of America and the rest of the world because, thanks to globalization, most U.S. products sold in almost every country on the planet.

The United States is very well known for its billion dollar political lobbies who actually own tailor political reality of this country and the world, those same lobbyists are paid to direct profits from the largest companies in the U.S. and the world, one of these payers and Monsanto.

But it certainly is not the only way he Monsanto allow their influence in the White House and both houses of parliament and the U.S.. Most importantly, pay attention to the transition leading people Monsanto and sister company to the highest political position of this "democratic" country.

Here are a few examples:

Clarence Thomas, before he became a judge of the Supreme Court of the United States - (What is legalized stealing votes from over two million ballots, mostly African American population who voted against G.W. Bush, that would eventually voices "miracle" were attached to G.W. Bush who became president 2004.) - Thomas was Monsanto's lawyer. 

Minister of Agriculture Anne Veneman was a board member of Monsanto's sister corporation, which is called Calgene.

We are well known former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, was a board member Monsanto's Searla Pharmaceutical, which I just poisoned planet Rumsfeld machinations with aspartame, or Nutra Sweet Aspartam.

Minister of Health in USA, Tommy Thompson, received over $ 50,000 donated by Monsanto during his campaign for governor of Wisconsin.

The two congressmen receiving the most money from Monsanto are: Agricultural Committee Chairman Larry Combest and Attorney General  John Ashcroft.

Margaret Miller,  has worked in the department of Monsanto to develop a bovine growth hormone, or rBGH (Bovine Somatotropin), then became a member of the board that the FDA has approved the same growth hormone and declared it safe for human consumption, no matter what due to the hormone, girls who drink milk and eat meat with "safe" rBGH,  get their period even in the fifth year until their breasts begin to grow immediately after getting their period.

If you think this is the only problem with rBGH-TV then you have to disappoint you, Innvista published detailed and shocking effects of this hormone in humans since, bone disease, bone tumor of children, breast cancer, colon cancer, an abnormal growth of blood vessels, disturbance in production and regulation of insulin, and colony formation of bacteria and viruses in the human body that are resistant to antibiotics.

Independent Investigator Pam Duff  said:  "The human AIDS virus is extremely similar to bovine virus that destroys the immune system (bovine immunodeficiency virus - BIV), yet the USDA, (Ministry of Agriculture and the U.S.) refused to investigate the milk and meat from hormone rBGH-and to discover whether the milk and meat infected with this virus! "

                             HIV or BIV is the question? Viruses look almost exactly the same!!

David Ehrenfeld  is no mincing words revealed the following: "The goal of genetic engineering is to increase sales of chemicals and GMO products to farmers, farmers and food manufacturers have become addicted."

Monsanto is the only 2008., reported a net profit of $ 2.1 billionNo matter what he is selling poisons and poisonous seeds reduction, Monsanto in 2010. earned 1.9 billion $ while the in 2012. expected net profit of 1.5 $

Thanks to "upgrade" and approval of laws in the U.S., Monsanto has come to the production of 90% of GMO seeds that are used around the globe and selling the popular herbicide Roundup, which has poisoned most of the land and groundwater wherever it is used and who has created a super-weeds that devoured most fertile soil on the planet.

Monsanto has since its foundation in 1901., was associated with every possible bio-chemical evil on the planet from : PCBs, DDT, dioxins and heavy biodegradable pesticide Agent Orange's that destroys rainforest's and that U.S. troops and sprayed on civilians and soldiers in Vietnam. By the end of 90.  of XX century, Monsanto is represented as a bio-companies, while its chemical immoral actions hid trough sister's company, especially in the domain of: polymers, food additives, pharmaceuticals, etc.

Monsanto is associated with direct generational  poisoning people and certainly committed genocide caresses, with the help of GMO crops, which in themselves have the Bt toxin.

Do you think that the problem stops when we stop to eating GMO crops?

You were wrong!

In a study published by GM Watch, is clearly seen that such toxins are very nice transfer from mother to child and how they are actually circulating. How will the next generation of GMO to be poisoned by toxins nobody yet knows. Not only that, GMO affects different disorders umbilical cord and placenta in pregnant women.

  What is the founder of such companies!

Monsanto founder John F. Queeny (1859.-1933.), was a member of the Knights of Malta, Irish Catholic and an advocate of an aggressive policy of the company. The company has continued that policy, and after his death.

Monsanto is also known struggle against all the small farmers whose land was sown with organic seeds, wind, bees, bumblebees and birds brought Monsanto's seed and thus create a hybrid, in which small farmers had no idea that they sow, until a horde of  Monsanto's lawyers is not suing the same people and destroyed because they used Monsato's  patented product without paying royalties!!

Today, in rural areas of the U.S. real war going on against the farmers, herders and farmers, because Monsanto visited the farm at the farm in order to intimidate the owners and if you do not meet their requirements, then destroy them in court. This super rich and powerful company has an army of private investigators who sow terror in remote parts of the United States. Monsanto is set as the god of the beating, asking farmers to show them their records of sowing and private accounting. Farmers call them the "seed police" (police, which controls the seeds), while the word "Mafia" and "Gestapo" a much better fit to the truth.

Monsanto spends a day at a whopping two million U.S. dollars to exposing the "husband" illegal users of their goods. "This is done for the benefit and protection of farmers," Monsanto spokesman Darren Wallis in a letter written by magazine Vanity Fair. The same is said that only a small number of cases come to court (no wonder how frightening the poor people) and most people voluntarily agree to the licensed agreements.

Rural Advancemet Foundation International (RAFI) is openly and without hesitation revealed that Monsanto's advertisements from the 90. of the twentieth century that the "GMO products to eradicate world hunger," shamelessly lie, because the license can not stand or farmers developed Western culture , let alone too poor people from Africa or South America.

As I write this article to thousands of Indian farmers ruined GMO seeds do not see no other way out of hunger and desperation than suicide.

  What really happened?

After two years of decay and yield no harvest (from GMO seeds), Indian farmers have become landless beggars because their country is kidnapped because of unpaid debts. This news is a black world discovered Prince Charles, and although I'm not any kind of nobility, I take off my hat to him because he first decided to talk about GMOs that genocide is happening, and India.

For now, we know that several million Indian farmers switched to GMO seeds after a well-planned and costly campaign that took place simultaneously in all parts of the country.

Mail online it was discovered that the end of 2008., life took away 125 000 farmers, spoiled and hungry GMO products. Ministry of Agriculture of India has revealed that every month an additional 1000 farmers take his own life. The biggest reason for their failure is that GMO crops less productive, low resistance to insects and disease, they are unable to pay for expensive insecticides, pesticides and herbicides to his fields.

Earnings from these poor people were reduced by 1000 times, though they are advertising GMO seeds talked quite another thing!

Spiegel online in 2007. wrote about the decimation of colonies of bees worldwide, GMO crops, poisons in them and around them were decimated bee populations, except for the weakening of their health and honey bees are the same become completely resistant to the bee parasites Varroa from families that almost all infected hives in world.

The red color indicates areas in which decimated bee colonies and infected parasites Varroa.

How long will Monsanto and similar companies poison the world? If we do not do something quickly, we might end up like all the bees or the Indian peasants!


Innvista – BGH

Wiki – Monsanto

Best Meal – Monsanto’s Dark History

Vanity Fair – Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear

Third World Traveller – Terminator seeds

Mail Online – The GM Genocide

Der Spiegel – Are GM Crops Killing Bees

Entnemdept.ufl.edu - Varroa Mite


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